Given the current very uncertain situation with the spread of the COVID-19 crisis, the scientific committee of the 2nd European Fully Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling and WRF-Hydro® Users Workshop has taken the decision to postpone the workshop to a future date. Nevertheless, the forthcoming Special Issue of the journal Hydrological Processes affiliated to the workshop, titled Coupled atmosphere-hydrological processes: novel system developments and cross-compartment evaluations, still goes on. Related information will circulate soon. Meanwhile, for more details, please contact cesmma (at) unical (dot) it |
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The workshop is affiliated to a forthcoming Special Issue of the journal Hydrological Processes, titled Coupled atmosphere-hydrological processes: novel system developments and cross-compartment evaluations. |
The 2nd European Fully Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling and WRF-Hydro® Users Workshop will take place at the “University Club” Hall at the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza, Italy), .
The challenge of improving hydrometeorological forecasts and the need for accurate projections of hydrological impacts due to climate change has fostered the development of novel, fully two-way coupled atmospheric-hydrologic modeling systems by various research groups around the world.
The primary objective of the Workshop is to create an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and experiences with coupled atmospheric-hydrological modelers. As such, we invite abstracts focusing on the complex interactions between surface water, groundwater and regional climate as well as those presenting work on the development of fully-coupled hydrometeorological prediction systems for flood and water resources prediction. Presentations on novel coupled modeling systems that bridge spatial scales through dynamic regridding or upscaling/downscaling methodologies are also welcome, together with comparative studies between one-way and fully- coupled modeling systems, combined dynamical-statistical approaches, data assimilation in coupled models, field studies with measurements supporting multi-variable validation of coupled modeling systems.
The latter part of the workshop will be dedicated to the Community WRF- Hydro® modeling system that was released by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in 2013, by means of 2.5 days hands-on tutorial. There are 20 spots available for this hands-on tutorial.
WRF-Hydro® Tutorial Description:
This 2.5 day workshop will provide graduate students, early career scientists, and professionals with formal
instruction on the structure and application of the WRF-Hydro system in a coupled instance. It will offer hands-on
experience in setting up and running the system for several different research and prediction applications.
Topics covered during the workshop may include:
Participants of the hands-on tutorial are required to bring their own laptop computer with:
More information on the WRF-Hydro® system can be found at:
WRF-Hydro Tutorial Attendee Pre-Survey Form
If you are registering or have registered for the WRF-Hydro Hands-on Tutorial, please fill out this form. This information will help us to better design the contents of the tutorial.Workshop : | 200€ |
WRF-Hydro sessions : | 250€ |
Full subscription : | 400€ |
Workshop : | 300€ |
WRF-Hydro sessions : | 350€ |
Full subscription : | 500€ |
Beneficiary: | Università della Calabria - di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente |
Bank: | Banca UniCredit
SWIFT/BIC: UNICRITMM IBAN: IT24Z0200880884000103544501 IBAN for public administrations: IT05F0100003245451300038137 sub-account: 2020 (please pay attention to indicate the correct sub-account number: it can be indicated in the "Cause of payment" field, as well) |
Cause of payment: | WRF-Hydro 2021 [Early or Regular] Registration Fee |
Lamezia Terme airport (60 km South of Cosenza, on the Thyrrenian Sea). There are many bus services available from the airport to the bus station of Cosenza (city centre). From Cosenza bus station, it is possible to take a bus to University. Another opportunity is to use the shuttle service on-demand “Al volo” (, +39-328-9877343), but it's more expensive (20 euro per person). Last option is train, "Lamezia Terme Centrale" station is very close to the airport and linked by bus provided by Trenitalia. Go to and search for connections to "Castiglione Cosentino" (closest train station to University) or "Cosenza" (city centre) or "Castiglione CS Unical" (you can also take a bus from Castiglione Cosentino to University with the same ticket)
Coming from the North, get out of the train at the station of Paola and take local train to Cosenza. Get out of
the train to Cosenza at Castiglione Cosentino railway station (the only train stop, 7 km before Cosenza). From
the railway station, take a bus for University
The best exit from free highway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria is Cosenza Nord Rende (7 km north of Cosenza). At the
exit of the freeway, University is on the left (1 km)
Some rooms have been reserved at the University of Calabria Campus at a reduced price. These rooms will be assigned to those who ask for them within the early registration deadline . If interested, please contact cesmma (at) unical (dot) it.
Breakfast not included. Linen change and cleaning included. Canteen service (breakfast, lunch and dinner) at a discounted cost of € 12.00 per person. |
Hotels affiliated with the University of Calabria near the workshop location (when booking, please specify that the reason for the visit is participation in a workshop at the University of Calabria to enjoy discounted prices. Prices are per day):
Single room | Double room in single use |
Double room | breakfast included | |
Ariha Hotel |
€ 50 | € 55 | € 65 | yes |
Fattoria Stocchi |
€ 50 | - | € 55 | yes |
Majorana Hotel |
€ 45 | € 55 | € 60 | yes |
BV President Hotel |
- | € 59 | € 64 | yes |
For any information please refer to:
cesmma (at) unical (dot) it
alfonso.senatore (at) unical (dot) it
Tel: +39-0984-496614
Fax: +39-0984-496615