1st European Fully Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling and
WRF-Hydro Users workshop
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Overview & Call for Abstracts
The challenge of improving hydrometeorological forecasts and the need for accurate projections of hydrological impacts due to climate change has initiated the development of novel, fully two-way coupled atmospheric-hydrologic modeling systems by various research groups around the world.
The primary objective of the Workshop is to create an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and experiences for coupled atmospheric-hydrological modelers working in the European and Mediterranean regions.
As such, we invite abstracts focusing on the complex and cyclical interactions between surface water, groundwater and regional climate as well as those presenting work on the development of fully-coupled hydrometeorological prediction systems for flood and water resources prediction. Presentations on novel coupled modeling systems that bridge spatial scales through dynamic regridding or upscaling/downscaling methodologies are also welcome.
Special focus on WRF-Hydro
During the latter part of the workshop special focus will be on the new community WRF-Hydro modeling system that was released by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in 2013. Modeling system updates will be presented, model development and data processing issues will be discussed, and evaluations and applications of the model will be demonstrated by means of a dedicated tutorial session.
Presenting authors can either request a poster or an oral presentation but final assignments will be made by the workshop organizing committee.